Well I did it. 3 months with my comp. It has been a very weird 3 months but nevertheless it is finished. So we got the trasnfer call and im still in siam riap but im changing areas, Im going to be with Elder Beacco. Im so stoked. Hes way chill. I've gotten to know him really well, we were joking that we were going to be comps and it happened. Im going to be with him in his area. So stoked! Elder uhi is coming and training and taking over our area, so im going to show him around for a little bit to help him out. This next transfer is going to be a ton of fun and hard work.
Next week is going to be way different. we have zone conference, conference, and khmer new year, which means we dont do anything for like 4 days haha. Its like a week long holiday. and the best place to be is in siam riap. Im super stoked to see all this hard core khmer culture. Its going to be so cool. Im having a bunch of members teach me some khmer dances. They are the funniest thing ever. I cant wait to show you guys. Youll be impressed. I get low.
This week has been pretty good. It has been kinda hard too cause my comp has kinda quit, but ive coaxed him along so we did some good stuff. I contacted this dude last week named bong ngaa. I felt like i needed to go to his house again on sunday so we went over and we started talking. He came to church and brought one of his friends. It was so cool. They want to learn
We have these two investigators who have been christians since the end of Pol Plot. They pretty much have the Bible memorized, and they have their own little congregation of like 50 people. We've had some really cool conversations, and its been super cool to see how thier perspective have changed. I special ordered a massive Book of Mormom for him so he can read. If he asks and gets an answer i could get 50 new investigators. How cool would that be.
Now that im getting comfortable in the language i love talking to people. Its way more fun. You here some funny/crazy stories every day becuase cambos literally will say anything. They are the most straight forward people ive ever met in my life. This old lady yesterday tole me she had diarriah. for no reason whatsoever ha./ I was laughing so hard. I was sitting in this one house talking to this old man and he was sharing stories from Pol Plot. He said when he was 14 he was in his village, which had 90 people in it and the khmer rouge came in and just slaughtered everyone, but he and like 10 people escaped. pretty much everyone in his life just died in an instant. man i hate pol plot, such a chhguat.
Big shout out to the 3rd ward for the valentines gift ha, that was awesome, And grandma and granpa smith that package was amazing. When i saw that hickory barbecue sauce and salsa i creid a little not going to lie. you guys are the best.
love you guys!!
on splits with Elder Xiong |
coolest TukTuk in the world! |
Great people. Tried to teach them, but they were not interested |
backyard of an inactive member |
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