hey fellas
Great week. The office elders
gave us a phone number of some dude who saw our missions face book page
and was interested. So we called him met him at the river and showed
him our new church. We had a quick lesson about what we do in our church
and how prayer can help us. So a couple days later we met him again and
had the sickest lesson. We taught him about the beautiful Restoration.
It was one of my favorite lessons yet. He was just asking questions
every 5 seconds. It was super cool. He understood it all and once we
finished we had him read In Moroni 10 and after he read verse 5 he just
looked up and said "Woah!" Ha it was the coolest. Hes way pumped and
even skipped his college class the next day so he could come to class.
We are way stoked. I got high hopes for this dude.
Elder Mitchell and I did some good hard contacting this week and we found 2 guys who want to learn also. So we are going to meet with them this coming week. Super excited. I just love teaching people. The language is noproblem anymore. Things just come out now. Its so fun. Elder Mitchell and I have Gods Help and we're going to some damage hear. Way pumped.
We went to jomruans house this week. He lives way far so we went on
a tuk tuk. We got there and like 30 kids came. jomraun said we were the
first white people to be there in ages. So these little jungle kids had
only seen them on TV. We were movie stars. Jomruans parents were way
excited to see us. We sat on their bamboo table,talked and ate some
bananas. Then they brought some special food out. They made us straight
cow hoof soup.I kid you not there was a cow toenail in my bowl. Nothing
else just a hoof and some broth. It was.... not that good. But i had
3bowls and had a stomach ache for a couple days haha.
Funny story so this wierd vietnamese man came to our church and
said he is a member. He speaks way good khmer so we got talking. He
sells balloons on his bike and wants to come back to church. He was a
little wierd but we called him a couple days later and told him to meet
us at the church. We met him and asked us if his house was close and
said yes and then just started biking way fast. So we thought he must me
showing us his house. This dude is like 60 years old and had like 30
balloons on his 100 year old bike. So it wasnt hard to not catch usp,
but man this dude could go fast and he was riding his bikeon the wrong
side of the road he was riding on flowers and grass i felt like i was on
a video game. He kept looking back to see us and then he would just
stare and start biking even faster haha i was laughing so hard. It was
like Nitendo mario kart., We eventually got to his house, turns out hes
crazy. We talkedto his neighbors they didnt want to learn.
Great week. Love you dudes
Elder Smith
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