hey hey hey
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. You guys are the best!
Last night we had a big BBQ at our house. It was a ton of fun. The two
khmer elders that i love went big and decorated the deck and played
some way sick Khmer music. It was a super fun night. I'll send pics of it
next week.
This week was good. I got to do some service in Prae Choo (my very
first area) so that was a ton of fun seeing some of the members there.
They made us food as well... they gave us dog. And chicken
liver/head/feet. yeah yeah it was awesome. The dog was different, super
chewy but hey it didn't taste bad.
Funniest thing happened last week. We
were teaching huah ,our recent convert, and we were sitting on this
little table and we were really close to each other. He started to read
this scripture that i had asked him to read and my face was probably a
foot away and he just burped so hard and loud right in my face. My
reaction wasn't the best to say the least. Cambodians don't really brush
their teeth, so the smell was too much. I was laughing so hard.
Vangnoo is getting interviewed this
week for baptism so please pray for him! He bought me a sandwich for my
birthday. What a guy. Hes doing really good. Hes been going to church
every week consistently for over a month. So awesome!
We are teaching this 12 year old kid
now. His name is Hiang. His mom joined and for some reason hated the
church, his friends made fun of him because he believed in Jesus. But
now he wants to learn so he should get baptized next month! Super stoked
for that as well.
We are teaching this man name Soka
right now. Hes a professor at a college. Hes the smart one. We had a way
cool lesson about Baptism and Obedience to God. The Spirit was super
strong. We finally got him to commit to a date. Feb 28! He has to get
work off on Sundays now so he will need to make some changes. Hopefully
this guy can make the changes needed so he can be baptized!
Right now i'm feeling good. Ive been thinking about how i can be a better
missionary a lot lately. Im over a year and a half and i don't want to
plateau. So i have just been thinking
about what i can do better or what i should stop doing so i can be a
better missionary.
Thanks for everything!!
Love you guys!
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