This week we killed it on the lessons. Our new investigator Vangnoo
is doing so good. He's the guy who saw a vid on facebook and is in
dentistry school right now. We taught him the Plan of Salvation and the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. This guy is one of my favorite people i have
taught so far on my mission. Hes just so sincere. He's joined like every
single religion, Buddhism, Hinduasm some wierd Chinese religion and
other Christian churches and as we taught the plan of salvation he told
us, "Elder,
I just want to know which one is true. Thats it." It went quiet for a
little and I got to testify about everything I know to be true. It was
way cool. He then asked us why he cant be baptized tomorrow. We have a
date for him on the 7th. So stoked.
We are teaching another man named Soka. Hes a teacher here in
Kampong Cham. Hes super busy but hes starting to have some real faith.
We taught him the Gospel of Christ and he said he believes now. Its so
cool to just show people and teach them that they have a Savior. Being
here in Cambodia its such an amazing opportunity to help people
understand what Christ did for them. Its the best. Buddha is good and
all but he just doesn't have what it takes.
Had some soup this week that wasn't too good. I can handle food pretty well now, but
that one was a fun one. I look at food now like its a challenge. Taste
really does matter. Its like a pride thing i have with myself now. Can i
have the will power of swallowing it or will my body not let me? Its a
fun game!
This Sunday I had a really cool experience. I've been really
thinking a ton about Repenting Daily this past week and have been
praying for the Spirit. As i was sitting next to Vangnoo in sacrament
and explaining what the sacrament was and seeing the humble Cambodians
pray individually i felt the still small voice. It wasn't strong but it
just stayed with me for the next hour. It was so neat. The Spirit told me that
what I was doing was right. And it taught me the importance of
preparing to renew convenants. It was a day i will cherish forever.
Christmas is super weird here. No one here even knows what it is. I
would say 80% of the memebers have no clue as well, so this week we
will just be spreading the word that A Savior Is Born. Should be the
coolest thing ever,
Love you all
Elder Smith
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