Hey dudes
Sorry i didnt get to email you guys last week. We wanted to do something fun last week so I started talking to some people and they said there is a waterfall like 2 hours away. So we called a tuk tuk guy who "knew" where it was and we were off. Turns out this guy has never been there and its actually 4 hours awaw on a tuk tuk ride. It was so fun. We rode through this plantation of rubber trees for an hour and a half. It was so pretty. The water fall was awesome. After we were finished with the waterfall we were gettting ready to leave and it started pouring and within like 20 minutes of riding in the tuk tuk his modo started failing so we had to get out in the super muddy rainy road and push it up the hills and just walk, then these Cambos in this massive truck filled with rubber told us to hop in the back. So all 6 of us hopped in and he just hauled and we were holding on for our life it was so fun. One of my favorite P days.
Reppin Eagle with Sister Snooks! |
Huah is doing pretty good, he was busy this past week but he still came to church and the branch president plans on interviewing him this week. I think huah might be able to get the priesthood this week. SO COOL.
Our investigator jomraun is doing WAY good. I dont know why our last lesson with him he was just super into it. We set a date for him. He wants to get baptized on the 20. He sat by us during church yesterday. My comp and I gave talks also so he got to hear us bear out testimonies it was awesome. I have high hopes for this dude.
So for the past 3 days i have been just way sick. Getting sick on the mission is just so boring and pointless because you don't do anything. I had a 102 fever for like 2 days straight. I couldn't get over it. Saturday was the first day of my mission where I couldn't proselyte at all. If i get sick i can usually get a couple hours in per day but i was just sweating like crazy. Not going to lie i was hating life. But today im feeling a lot better. Getting sick and not having your mom could be the worst thing in the world.
the only thing i could eat that didnt make me throw up, dragon fruit, apples, boxed milk and chia seeds, did not taste good
As I've been serving my mission I've prayed for charity a lot of times. Im praying for it now because its a little hard right now. But it stretches me to be better. Charity fills in the gaps when we are really trying to love someone or do something.
Right now I'm doing good. The branch is still struggling a bit. Theres just not a whole ton of stuff happening. But we are working with the BP and we are starting to get some people to have callings. We will see how it goes. I get a little stressed sometimes though. When you are in a branch like this everyone looks to the elders and its just tyring sometimes haha. But im loving it so it wont ever get old. I love you all, Elder Smith
Went on splits with Elder Sheiffer |
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