So this was was ehh. Ha it was kinda of a wierd week, but some good stuff happened. On thursday it was the first time on my mission where i didnt leave the house becuase my companions neck was hurting. Yes, his neck. It felt so wierd. I hated it. I was like restless. And theres like nothing to do, ha i felt so wierd. ha I can't relax now. I think I forgot how. I'm just always used to doing something all the time. I dont like relaxing anymore. Weird stuff.
so on sunday our investigator tie brought two of his kids to church and one of them had to go to the bathroom. Tie asked me if i could take him. so of course i did. this kid is like 7, and their house is wood with leaves as the walls. They are wayy poor. So i took him to the bathroom and it had a regular toilet and urnal. And the look on the kids eyes was hilarious. He asked me why it wasnt outside, and he had no idea what a urnal was. I was laughing so hard. ha he would not do it. I was trying to explain to this little kid how to, but the words just wouldnt come out in khmer, i was laughing too hard. This kid has never seen a toilet in his life. After like 5 minutes of trying to convince him he would not have it. So we just went back to his dad. It was hilaroius.
Siam Reap has about 45 recent converts, and very few of them go to church. So we have been trying really hard to meet a lot of them. Its been cool trying to understand their problems and creating lessons on their needs. There is this one guy named Dee. He's way cool. Honestly i dont really know how he got baptized, he doesnt believe in anything but he really wants to find the true church. so we're treating him like a new investigator. its really cool. I think if he really applies what we teach him, he will be able to get that peace and happiness he is trying to have. Got high hopes for him.
we were contacting the other day and i saw this tobacco stained toothed funny little cambodian lady, and i asked her if i could help her with her garden. she said "FRIEK YAH"" and handed me her pales and made me water her garden. it was hilarious. Then she got this massive hose and out of the blue just drenched me, ha it was so wierd. I was stunned. I couldnt believe she did that. Then we both just started laughing way hard. Easily the wierdest 20 minutes of my entire life. I got a dope pic to prove it. we taught her about prayer and she would have none of it, she said she was too old to learn. it made no sense.
Love, Elder Smith
read alma 5: 27-28-- it''ll getcha
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Crazy looking dog with 2 different sized eyes |
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market phsaa lee--grocery shopping! |
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