This week was better than last week, thats for sure. It was filled with laughing, contacting and finding some new investigators. The work here is still pretty tough, its hard keeping the faith when its a whole month of people saying no, buuut we work hard to help people, not to help ourselves.
First things first, so in our are there is a little place, and it is called the Ghost Village. It could be the sketchiest place in the entire world. There are tons of super small houses, so much poverty and graves. Graves everywhere. There are graves where they just put the body on the ground and put a couple feet of dirt on it and leave it. Its way sketchy, but a less active member lives there, so we went to see her. The sisters didnt know her so we brought them a long so they could know where her hut was. As we got there there was this drunk dude, he came up to my comp and me and was pretty aggressive. He totally went for my comp and elder medley had to jump away. He then went for me, i couldnt leave becuase the sisters were right behind me so i had to shove this dude and let the sisters go past while this crazy drunk dude was trying to get me. it was crazy, but we laughed pretty hard about it after it was done. You never know what you're going to do in cambodia, thats what makes it fun.
So this area is a tough one. BUT, thats not stopping elder Medley and me. We picked up 3 new investigators this week. The first dude is Davith, hes a super old investigator that hasn't been taught for awhile but now wants to get baptized, i saw him at english class and he wants to learn agian. he's way cool, knows like perfect english. We got along really fast. Im pumped. This other guy eaung was a refferal. He really wants to learn too. And the last guy is the one i am way stoked for. We havent taught him yet but hes seems golden. We were contacting towards the end of our area next to all of these construction sites and i saw this man walking, i dont really like contacting by these places, because they are filled with drugs and alcohol. These guys live in the buildings until they finish building them, but after we passed him i just felt like we needed to talk to him. So we did a 180 and started talking to him. Turns out he has a family and he just got there, and he believes in Jesus. It was aweosme, as soon as we starting talking about the restoration he got chills all over his body. He invited us to teach him on tuesday. If all goes well, we could have a family to teach. Im so pumped. Please pray that the lesson will go well. Im so stoked.
Our Branch Missionary president is a 70 year old man. He's hilarous. I think he's the member that i have become the closest too. He gives 0 cares about anything excpet the gospel. He's way hardcore. Elder Medly and I had a meeting with him and we made him cry becuase of how hard he was laughing. He told me he loved me. #oldmanlove He's just awesome, for fathers day he came into sunday school and someone gave him a piece of candy and he gave like a 20 minute toast to his Dad, he was toasting to a jolly rancher. it was funny. Im loving the members and this area. we got a good week set up, i know your prayers are helping. thanks so much. love you guys
elder smith
eating dinner on the run |
This is what you have to do when your tire explodes- bike shop |
went on an echange with the vietnamese elders |
I didn't see this but an elder in the mission did--lots of good analogies with this one |