yoyo fam
Those pics and videos of McCall seem so much fun. You got me missin
home again, but its all good. It's a good thing to miss home. It's just summer in Idaho is the absolute best. But what Im
doing here is so much more important. I love it here. truly. I think
this past year, everything just seems so much more real. The gospel, my
relationship with God, what i want to do in my life, its not just an
idea. I love it. i just love
life and i want to help people have dope lives and the best way is
through the Gospel. For p-day we
missionaries are going to go play some basketball and try to find a burger
somewhere to celebrate the 4th! It'll be fun. Almost as fun as McCall...ha just kidding that
is a lie. The reunion looks like so much fun. I'm super jealous. Yeah on Friday im going to hit my year mark! Its crazy, it feels good though
knowing that i have given a year of my life to the Lord, but i hate how I'm half way done.
Well this week was awesome. We had a really cool thing happen to
us. A couple days ago all of our plans fell through in the morning so we
just started contacting. We both had the idea to go to this one part of
our area that we both hate, because for some reason everyone there is
just super mean, but we decided to go contacting over there anyway. After like 2
and half hours of complete rude shut downs we stopped on our bikes and
started feeling sorry for ourselves. So we started biking again down
this dead road and all of the sudden this old lady started yelling,
"Elder!" So we stopped and started talking to her, turns out she is a less
active member who just moved from across the city because she was
having some problems, and didn't know what to do. So she prayed and felt
the spirit tell her to just go outside and that everything would be ok
because the Elders were coming. It was so cool. We talked to her for a
while, and saw her at church yesterday. I love being a part of little
miracles. Really makes you feel good. The Lord is aware.
last night we had a funny/sad thing happen. This old man in our
branch invited us over to his house because he said he won a prize. He
cut us a ton of jackfruit when we showed up. He and his wife were super
happy. They received an email and a text message that they had won 1
million dollars. Obviously it was a scam so we read it and had to tell
them that no, they did not win and they shouldn't give their bank account
number to them. They were bummed. I felt like i just ruined Christmas for them. But someone had to do it.
So this week my comp and I made contact with 2 new golden investigators.
I'm so pumped. They are really educated and THEY CAN READ! Which is
awesome. They are a new couple, but the husband is like 45. its like a
20 years difference but whatever. The guy his name is sophiap and his
wife is teedaa. They are so awesome, they feel like they have been
really blessed and they want to thank God for all of their blessings. We
had a really good lesson about the Restoration. I think in a month or 2
they will be ready for baptism. Our other investigators are doing
really good too. When i first got here we had 1 investigator now we
have 8. Thanks to our Heavenly Father and a little hard work. Life is
going good.
Love you guys
Elder Smith
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Throwback with Elder Baecco at Khmer New Year |
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