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Elder Smith with Sophal and her daughters |
Our mission right now has a goal to contact 10 different people every day. So 70 a week. Then the next week we add two more people. So 84 this next week. Last week we just hit contacting hard and got 101. It was sick. We got some pretty promising investigators out of it too. We had a lot of people just laugh at us, but it was super cool to see how the Lord put people in our way just because we were willing to literally talk to every person along the road. We probably got 5 investigators. So 5/100. Lot of rejection, but those 5 people now have the opportunity to have the best joy this world offers. It was super fun.
We were teaching this part member family the other day and I was talking about how if God is our foundation then Satan wont have any power over us, but of course I didn't say that. I wanted to, but i didn't. I said "hey, we need to put our foundation on the glorious chicken." Yes, that's what happened. The word for glorious chicken and firm have one different letter. Its was funny, to say the least.
Our investigators are progressing pretty good right now. Sophal is doing great, but two days ago she was on her modo, carrying a trailer full of watermelons and some car hit her and she fell off and messed up her back and a lot of her watermelons got demolished, buttt she still came to church. Shes awesome. My main man Om June was the best I've ever seen him. We went to his house and he just way excited. He was like " Elders! Lets pray real quick, we got to go." Ha he told us to follow him and for about an hour and a half we ditched our bikes and just walked deeper and deeper in the village. He just would point at people and say "HEY! You wanna join Jesus?" and most people would just laugh, but if anyone would have the slightest interest he would grab their chairs and make them listen to us. It was hilarious. Keep in mind two months ago, this man would get drunk for days at a time and just slept all day. Now hes got a purpose. And on sunday he brought a friend to church. If all goes well and he saves enough money hes going to get baptized on Sunday. Cant wait! We are teaching this man named Poneloke. He has a little restaurant where he sells rice and pork every morning. This guy could be the next group leader. Just a solid guy who's super open minded. The other day he asked me how old I was and when i said 18 he had a little annurism. So now he doest even call me Elder, just baby now. Thats my name. He can read, hes a little educated and hes keeping the commitments we're giving him. This is one of my first investigators who can read so I'm way pumped. Anyways its just been so cool teaching him. He used to believe in the Buddha, but know he's truly starting to believe in God. Its been the coolest thing to watch. I love that guy.
I've been reading D&C a lot lately and I came across this gem, It says, "And after their temptations, and much tribulations, behold, I the Lord, will feel after them, and if they harden not their hearts, and stiffen not their necks against me, they shall be converted, and I will heal them. (112:13)" This scriptures is showing us that every trial, every mishap, every bad thing that has happened to us even when we were being good is an opportunity. A way for us to truly become converted. The more we rely on God when life isn't going all that good, we learn to love him even more. God promises he will feel after us. If we just endure it, we will be so grateful we did. And so will our Father in Heaven:)
Life is good. Every day something cool happens. Its definitely the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but also the most rewarding. Helping people realize that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us is honestly a privledge. Best mission out there. Hope all of you guys have a good thanksgiving, maybe ill eat some rice or something. Ha love you guys
Fresh sugar cane
Endless rice fields
sleeping Buddah
This was the prettiest sunset I've ever seen, all natural.
One of our members